Jimmy Butler: An ugly boy kicked out of home to top NBA star

Before becoming the top star of the NBA, Jimmy Butler experienced a grim life story until miracles happened. Ignoring dozens of dry statistics, NBA fans all agree that Jimmy Butler is one of the top stars in the league, with a salary of nearly 33 million dollars/season.

Jimmy Butler was kicked out of home by his mother because… he was ugly

For a basketball player, that seems to be the pinnacle that makes thousands of people dream of, but the road to glory is not always filled with roses, for Jimmy Butler things are even harsher than that.  On September 14, 1989, little Jimmy Butler was born in Tomball, a suburb of Texas. Like many other NBA colleagues, Butler did not know his father! He abandoned his mother and son to seek his own pleasure, and “responsibility” is a definition that is not in this man’s dictionary!

Jordan Leslie and his adoptive mother are the biggest influencers in Jimmy Butler’s life

But that was not the end of Jimmy Butler’s suffering, because even the person who gave birth to him cruelly abandoned his son. At the age of 13, the skinny boy became an obstacle when his mother wanted to have fun with her new lover. “I can’t imagine anything more heartbreaking, my mother took my hand out the door and said: I don’t like the way you look, you have to leave this house!” Jimmy Butler choked on his story on a TV show.

Jimmy Butler is one of the highest-paid players in the NBA right now

At the age of 13, Jimmy Butler became a homeless boy without a penny in his pocket. After middle school, he had to go to sleepovers and beg for food from house to house. This situation went on for 6 years until a blessing suddenly appeared! During a summer basketball tournament of his senior year at Tomball High School, Jimmy Butler accidentally caught the attention of a freshman man. Jordan Leslie challenged Jimmy Butler to shoot 3 points, and then they quickly became close brothers.

Leslie took Butler home, and gave him food, clothes, and a place to sleep, day after day, month after month. Leslie’s mother was reluctant to accept Butler at first, but then the woman with seven children agreed to give the wandering black boy a home. “They agreed to let me into the family, at that time I had nothing in my hands, she was very loving and always asked me what I wanted. It was a long time before I believed that a miracle had happened to me,” In the days and months that followed, Butler received the love of his adoptive parents and the seven siblings in his family, something he had never experienced in the first 18 years of his life.

That’s why Butler decided to drop out of Marquette University in Wisconsin because he missed his family so much. “My mother Michelle visits me often and always advises me to try harder, My life has been so miserable, this is the only way for me to change my life and help my parents and siblings in the family.” ,” Jimmy Butler recalls.

Responding to expectations, during his 4 years playing at Marquette University, Jimmy Butler quickly emerged as a superstar player at his age, he received a 100% scholarship and was the best player in the school averaging 15.7 points in the final year.At the 2011 NBA Draft, Jimmy Butler was selected by the Chicago Bulls in the final round of the first round, and nearly a decade has passed. This 30-year-old player is increasingly asserting his name in the most attractive basketball tournament. planet.

“Please! I know you’re going to write something. I’m just asking you not to write it in a harsh way, don’t make someone feel sorry for me, I hate that! There’s nothing to feel regretful about, I love everything that happened to me, it made me grow up and be as successful as I am today,” Jimmy Butler said in an interview with ESPN.

Even though he was abandoned, Jimmy Butler later met his biological parents often and gave them a lot of respect. Even the Miami Heat defender regularly provides financial support to his parents to improve their lives. From an ugly abandoned boy, Jimmy Butler became a top NBA star, and the way he behaves makes all fans admire him. As for Butler’s parents, behind the smiles and money received from their son, shame and regret must still surround them every night!