Jimmy Butler: The NBA star has an endless passion for coffee

In the fall of 2020, just a few months after all sports activities in the world were stopped because of Covid-19, the whole NBA was having to compete in isolation from the world around at Disneyland, Orlando, Florida. Jimmy Butler dropped himself in the hotel room with his own calculations.

Having to compete in the form of concentration has never been easy. Although the necessities and living items are quite adequate, the players always feel lacking a cup of delicious Joe branded coffee. That’s also when Jimmy Buller found the opportunity to start a business from this very isolated place.

Think about it, with strictly isolated ingredients, Jimmy Butler charges $20 for a signature “Brew” brew. It was a high price, but Jimmy Butler knew his colleagues were willing to pay for it. “All I think about, is just how to get money from the people around me. Everyone has money, but none of them can use it because of Covid-19”, Jimmy Butler said.

As for Jimmy Butler, he hopes people can give him $100 bills that he calls “Big Face” so that he doesn’t get his change back. Although it’s a pretty funny joke, but Jimmy Butler has brought a remarkable success from those coffee cups. Those months of practicing business in that isolated area of Disneyland, started a big project that Jimmy Butler had cherished for a long time.

For Jimmy Butler, his love for coffee is truly incomparable. Miami Heat players have a habit of drinking 12 cups of coffee a day, of course, accompanied by a special diet to neutralize the ingredients in coffee and not affect the performance of the game.