After their divorce, Steph Curry’s parents’ love lives changed drastically

King Steph Curry has faced distractions in his personal life, with his parents announcing their divorce and their new relationships becoming public.

Following their divorce, Steph Curry’s parents’ love lives became really bizarre.

The people Dell and Sonya Curry, Steph Curry’s parents, decided to associate with after their divorce were unsettling.

A player like Steph Curry, who is sure to become an NBA Hall of Famer, should be able to put everything else aside and concentrate just on the game when they are on the floor. Unfortunately for Curry, though, it is difficult to see how he wouldn’t get sidetracked by the events of the past few years in his personal life.

After raising two interesting basketball superstar sons and more than thirty years of marriage, Sonya and Dell Curry revealed their intention to divorce in 2021. Steph would have been distracted enough by the news of his parents’ divorce, but things only got worse from there.

First of all, he must have found it strange enough that so many admirers had called Steph’s mother a MILF on the news of her divorce. It gets even more ridiculous from there because the same followers openly expressed their dismay upon finding out that his mom was seeing someone else.

Interestingly enough, though, the strangest announcement was not yet to come. After all, the specifics of his parents’ new relationships made news and sparked jeers after they began dating other people.

What Caused the Divorce of Steph Curry’s Parents?

It is only natural for people to question what went wrong when a couple files for divorce after 33 years of marriage. But since everyone engaged has a different version of what happened, there are frequently three versions of what happened in those circumstances in addition to the reality.

Dell and Sonya Curry first released a statement together after their marriage failed.

“We are incredibly appreciative of all the blessings and achievements! We will continue to follow similar routes and remain devoted to and supportive of our children and grandchildren. We kindly request that our privacy be upheld and that you pray for our family going ahead.

Not long after, news surfaced regarding Sonya and Dell’s divergent accounts of the circumstances leading up to their divorce, despite their united statement.

Sonya was the one who filed for divorce, according to TMZ, and she charged Dell with “marital misconduct”.

Later, Dell retaliated with a lawsuit, alleging that Sonya had lied about her behavior and been unfaithful. Dell also contended that Sonya moved on from their relationship so fast and was already living with her new man, thus he shouldn’t be required to pay alimony.

Why Is There Such Controversy Around Steph Curry’s Parents’ New Partners?

Following their divorce, Steph Curry’s mother, Sonya Curry, made headlines when she reportedly moved on from the man she was allegedly seeing, former NFL star Steven Johnson. Even with her ex-husband’s alleged adultery, that marriage didn’t seem right.